Allied Modular Announces New Information Pages on Office Pods and Meeting Pods via its Subsidiary, Zonez

Orange, California – October 28, 2022. Allied Modular Building Systems, a best-in-class modular building and modular office manufacturer is proud to announce new informational pages on office pods and meeting pods. modular buildings, wall partitions, and enclosuresThe ‘open office concept’ for many companies may have a few drawbacks. Quiet spaces to work on essential projects in private might help employees increase productivity and success; modular office pods might be the solution.

“Many work environments have changed to bring down walls and work in open spaces. This may help improve company culture, but some employees might expect a little privacy and quiet to concentrate on important work,” explained Kevin Peithman, CEO. “Office pods are a terrific option for those who need some peace to be more productive and our new information pages help business leaders learn how pods might be the solution.”

The business community can review newly launched informational pages for office pod technologies at the Zonez website at https://zonez.com/office-pods/. Meeting and office pods help provide a peaceful and quiet environment for several situations, such as open-concept office spaces, conference centers, airports, and university campuses. Allied Modular can help design and deliver mobile office pods or privacy suites for single or collaborative meeting environments. Clean, soundproof rooms might help employees manage critical projects in a safe and peaceful environment. Newly updated information for modular phone booths, for example, is available at https://zonez.com/phone-booths/. Meeting pods can provide standing desks or seating as required. Clean Zones technology brings a HEPA air filtration system to help keep meeting pod rooms healthy and hygienic. Interested persons can review the modular office page. And for those looking for cleanrooms, the company’s subsidiary and website at https://alliedcleanrooms.com/ is a best-in-class information resource on modular cleanroom technology.


Here is the background on this release. Developing company culture and inclusion trends can translate to a more open work environment. Company leaders might replace cubicles with multi-seated workstations where employees work in teams. The goal could be noble, but some projects may require a private, soundproof space to manage sensitive projects. For these reasons, Allied Modular has announced new pages for meeting pods and office pods. Clean, private work pods can deliver a suitable space when confidential conversations are required. Soundproof office pods could help improve productivity and provide employees with space to think.


Allied Modular Building Systems is a leading supplier of various prefab modular buildings, wall partitions, and enclosures. The business serves schools and companies nationwide with modular room solutions such as; classrooms, server control rooms, dry rooms, on-site construction offices, soundproof work pods, machine enclosures, and security guard rooms. Allied Modular Systems’ top-rated manufacturing technology has bested the industry for over thirty years. Allied Modular supplies machine enclosures, CNC enclosures, and ISO-compliant cleanrooms with partner companies.

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