What are the Benefits of Modular Construction?

A modular office building with large windows and a door, assembled inside a warehouse.

What if you could cut your construction costs by 20%, and yet finish your project in half the time? It sounds like fantasy, and yet, this is fully achievable with modular construction. In this article, we’ll cover the main benefits of modular construction and how they can help you on your next building project.

What is Modular Construction?

Modular construction is a way of building where parts, called modules, are made off-site in a factory. Such modules are then shipped to the building site, and put together to form the completed building.

Unlike traditional construction, which occurs 100% on-site, modular construction is able to speed up the process by working both on-site and off-site at the same time. In other words, different parts are worked on simultaneously, which makes the whole process quicker.

What are the Benefits of Modular Construction?

Cost Savings

One of the main benefits of modular construction is cost savings. Because modules are made efficiently in factories, builders reduce their labor and material costs. Further, there is minimal waste, and manufacturers are able to purchase materials in large quantities. 

Another cost-related benefit is that with modular, estimated pricing is likely to be more accurate, as a lot can go wrong with on-site construction (weather issues, a lack of labor, etc.).


Modular construction is much quicker than traditional methods. Since, as we mentioned, site module fabrication occurs at the same time as site preparation, the overall project timelines are shorter. Projects that might take a year or more with conventional building methods can be completed in half the time with modular.

High-Quality Components

Parts built in a factor are simply higher quality. Specialization of labor and high-tech instruments allow for precise measuring and quality control. Attention to detail and consistency can be hard to achieve on a traditional construction site.


Further, modular construction is better for the environment, and factory-made modules help reduce waste. In fact, according to a study by Waste & Resources Action Program (WRAP), some waste materials can be reduced by up to 90%.


Finally, modular buildings are easy to adapt, and this is probably their biggest benefit. They can be expanded, modified, or relocated as needed. If a growing business needs to expand its office space quickly, for example, modular construction can provide a timely solution.

The Bottom Line

Modular construction is hard to beat. It offers a variety of benefits that make it an increasingly popular choice among consumers. It is cost efficient, quick to set up, high quality, eco-friendly, and flexible to changing needs. As more people recognize and understand these benefits, modular construction will certainly play a larger role in future building projects.

Ready to see how modular construction can benefit your next project? Get a free quote from Allied Modular today!

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