
benefits of modular construction
An exterior modular vestibule with yellow guard rail.
Vestibules have been an important part of building design since at least the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans. These spaces, often found near entrances, have been used for a variety of functions throughout time, from boosting security to improving temperature control. In this article, we’ll cover what a vestibule is in a building,...
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A modern, industrial-style office space with an external staircase leading to a second-floor area inside a large warehouse.
A recent Gallup report on the State of the Global Workplace indicates that about 63% of employees are disengaged. This has many businesses wondering about the best way to layout office space. It’s well-known that office design can significantly influence productivity, employee satisfaction, and even foster company culture. In other words, selecting the proper office...
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A warehouse with an elevated catwalk featuring yellow railings and stairs, providing access to different areas of the facility.
Anyone who runs a warehouse knows that it can become cluttered in due time, which can lead to a variety of issues with efficiency and safety. Keeping a decluttered and organized warehouse is part and parcel of any successful operation. A well-organized warehouse can lead to many benefits, including increased productivity, greater worker safety, and...
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A modular office building with large windows and a door, assembled inside a warehouse.
What if you could cut your construction costs by 20%, and yet finish your project in half the time? It sounds like fantasy, and yet, this is fully achievable with modular construction. In this article, we’ll cover the main benefits of modular construction and how they can help you on your next building project. What...
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A two-story building made with modular construction methods.
What if you could reduce your construction costs by up to 20% and complete projects up to 50% faster? This isn’t just a hypothetical scenario. With modular construction, it’s the reality. Cost savings are achieved through faster project timelines, lower material waste, and reduced labor costs, with tax savings as an added bonus. In this...
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An office environment with sandwich panels.
Sandwich panels are becoming a popular choice in modern modular construction. They are strong, insulated, and can be set up quickly, which makes them great them for countless applications. Whether they are for commercial buildings or industrial facilities, sandwich panels are a reliable and efficient way to create durable structures. In this article, we’ll go...
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A large classroom full of students taking notes.
As districts grapple with overcrowding, dwindling budgets, and the need for fast expansion, many schools in North America are choosing modular classrooms for their campuses. When a school needs to add space quickly (perhaps even by the end of summer), modular spaces become an attractive option, as they are low cost and highly adaptable, especially...
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A busy control room with many people and computers.
Picture a high-stakes environment where every second counts, and precise control over complex systems is a matter of success or failure, or even life and death. Whether it’s managing the stability of a power grid, securing a high-profile location, or coordinating emergency responses, successful operations hinge on a central command center. This is where control...
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A black, two-story modular office building in a warehouse.
Prefabricated buildings (sometimes called prefabs) have been a boon to the construction industry. They have reduced construction times, costs, and have greatly improved efficiency of products. While prefabricated buildings are not necessarily new (as they gained popularity in the 19th century and were invented much earlier), they are still undervalued as an economical and eco-friendly...
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A modular in-plant office building.
Modular offices are a great solution for businesses that need to add office space quickly. They can be set up as meeting rooms, training facilities, observation decks, and more. In this guide, we’ll explain what a modular office is, what they’re made of, and the benefits they offer. What is a Modular Office? A modular...
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A tall walled modular enclosure within an existing warehouse.
In the United States, interest in modular applications is increasing rapidly because they are both practical and low cost. This is because modular walls come without the permanence or expense of traditional, “stick-built” construction. In this article, we’ll go over what a modular wall is, the types and applications of these walls, the common materials used,...
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An in-plant modular office with a yellow guard rail.
Are you looking to improve your industrial workspace with an in-plant office? This guide is designed to help you understand what an in-plant office is, explore the available options, and show how they can benefit your business. In this article, we’ll compare the traditional and modular approaches to setting up these offices, highlight the benefits...
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The significance of a high-quality laser enclosure extends far beyond a mere safety requirement.
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How Modular Buildings Champion Eco-Friendliness Modular buildings are stepping into the spotlight as a green solution in the construction industry. Their rise in popularity isn’t just a trend; it’s a response to the urgent need for sustainable practices. In this article, we’ll delve into the eco-friendly aspects of modular buildings, highlighting why they’re not just...
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As we look to the future, the trend towards modular warehouse offices is set to continue, driven by their ability to provide adaptable, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions to the challenges of modern warehouse operations.
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Cleanrooms are often visualized as pristine, white spaces where scientists in lab coats conduct research.
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Choosing Allied Cleanrooms is not just a purchase decision; it's a strategic move towards operational excellence.
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Modular construction takes place in a factory setting, which allows for precise control over material use. This reduces waste, as excess materials can be recycled or reused for other projects.
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In 2024, modular office spaces are transforming how businesses think about their work environments. These innovative structures offer a mix of flexibility, efficiency, and sustainability, making them a smart choice for companies looking to stay ahead. Here, we explore the top five advantages of choosing modular office spaces this year.
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Productivity issues and delays are among the top 5 reasons why construction projects fail.
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Transforming Commercial Spaces with Allied Modular: The Ultimate Choice for Modular Construction
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As businesses grow and evolve, the need for additional workspace becomes inevitable, especially in the case of warehouses. Traditional approaches to expanding warehouse capacity often involve costly construction projects or even relocation to larger facilities. However, there is a highly effective and efficient solution that can help businesses expand their warehouse workspace without breaking the...
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The evolving nature of business demands flexible and efficient office spaces. Traditional construction methods often struggle to meet the needs of modern enterprises. However, a groundbreaking solution has emerged in the form of permanent modular office buildings. These innovative structures offer a wide range of benefits, from cost-effectiveness to sustainability and scalability. In this blog...
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In today’s fast-paced corporate world, where distractions are abundant and concentration is a precious commodity, the importance of creating a conducive work environment cannot be overstated. While open-plan offices have gained popularity over the years, there is a growing realization that they may not be the most productive setting for all tasks and individuals. In...
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In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency and convenience are key factors driving innovation across industries. When it comes to construction, the traditional model often involves lengthy timelines and complex logistics. However, Allied Modular is changing the game with their groundbreaking approach to building construction – ‘Hot Deals’ buildings. We have buildings that are 25% to 50%...
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Allied Modular continues to be an industry leader in modern modular construction. Using factory controlled production methods and fast building techniques honed from over 25 years of experience, Allied Modular has helped companies around the world grow and expand their operations. Allied Modular specializes in creating modular panelized wall systems that are used for modular...
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